Git & GitHub Introduction

Git & GitHub Introduction

Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners - Intro Course for Git & GitHub

Git & GitHub for Beginners: A Comprehensive Course Guide

Who is this Git & GitHub Tutorial Course for?

  • Complete beginners in Git and GitHub
  • Coders who are not confident in using Git and GitHub
  • Anyone who wants to collaborate with others on code projects using GitHub

Introduction to Git & GitHub Tutorial

Version Control System (VCS) is one of the most critical tools for coding and digital application development. Git is the most commonly used version control system, created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for the development of the Linux kernel. GitHub is one of the most popular Remote Repository services based on the Git platform.

In this course, we’ll explain how to use Git as a version control system and how to collaborate with other developers on GitHub.

Throughout this course, you will learn:

  • Key Concepts of Git and GitHub
  • How to set up Git projects
  • How to use Git Branches
  • How to collaborate with others using GitHub repository

What you will achieve in this Git & GitHun Tutorial

Full understanding of Git and GitHub Mechanism

You’ll fully understand how Git and GitHub work with well-designed illustrations.

Master Git Commands

You’ll master 20 essential Git commands with meticulously designed practice materials.

Master Commit and Branch Operations

You’ll clearly understand complex branch and commit operations. through easy-to-understand guidance.

Start Collaborating on GitHub

You’ll be able to collaborate with other developers through the GitHub platform.


How to learn Git & GitHub with this course?

Here is a guidance on how to use this course effectively. You can read this part later when you start to learn relevant topics.

Command Line and Code Snippet

In this course, we use various types of commands and code snippets.

1. Command Line Input

You can use the code snippet below to run commands. When you move your cursor onto the top right corner, you can find the copy icon to copy the snippet.

Command Line - INPUT
$ git branch Branch_A

After you copy the code, paste it into your command line as shown in the video below.

You can also copy multi-line code and run the commands as shown in the video below.

2. Command Line Response

You can see the command line response or output from this code snippet below.

Command Line - RESPONSE
446fa13 (HEAD -> master) Modified commit
acc4aa4 (origin/master) added .gitignore file
651e510 the first commit
3. Text Editor

You can use this code snippet below for editing code in a text editor. When you move your cursor onto the top right corner, you can find a copy icon to copy the snippet.

Text Editor

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
 h1 {
  color: blue;
 <h1>Hello World!</h1>

Project Directory Structure

Throughout the course, we'll set up several practice projects. For each practice project, we'll create a project directory. We'll also create a main project directory to organize the practice directories. Here are the example directory structures that are used in this course. There are two sets of directory trees for the project owner role and the project member role.

Note: The screenshots below are taken using the Mac OS computer. The name of the parent directory for each user's home directory differs by OS.

Example – the project owner's directory structure (Developer A)
Example – the project member's directory structure (Developer B)

A GitHub repository is also available for the demo code used in the practice sections. Check the link below to access the repository.

Demo Code github

Chapter 1. Git & GitHub Key Concepts

7 lessons

Chapter Information

Chapter 2. Git & GitHub Initial Settings

10 lessons

Chapter Information

Chapter 3. Git & GitHub Project Setup

16 lessons

Chapter Information

Chapter 4. Edit & Commit

13 lessons

Chapter Information

Chapter 5. Work With Branches

15 lessons

Chapter Information

Chapter 6. Remote Collaboration

10 lessons

Chapter Information

Chapter 7. Supplemental Topics

4 lessons

Chapter Information