Project Initiator – Create Remote Repository

When you want to store and share your project files on GitHub, you need to create a new Remote Repository on GitHub. Creating a Remote Repository and granting access are done through the GitHub web platform. Here are the key steps to create a new Remote Repository.

1 Go to the GitHub and sign-in to the account.

2 On the main page, press the green New button on the left or click the top right + sign and select New repository.

Create Remote Repository: Step 1

3 On the “Create a new repository” page, you need to add a repository name, select public or private, and press the Create repository button.

Create Remote Repository: Step 2

We have an integrated practice section later (Project Initiator – Grant Remote Repository Access to Project Members) in this chapter to cover creating a new repository, uploading project documents, and inviting a project member to the repository.

IdeaTips: Switch between a private repository and a public repository

You can change the type of repository from public to private or vice versa after creating the repository. Here is an example that shows how to change a private repository to a public repository.

1. Go to the settings page of the repository.

Switch between a private repository and a public repository: Step 1

2. Go to the bottom of the page and find Danger Zone. Click on the Change Visibility button and select Change to Public.

Switch between a private repository and a public repository: Step 2

3. There are multiple confirmation messages. Agree with the messages.

Switch between a private repository and a public repository: Step 3
Switch between a private repository and a public repository: Step 4
Switch between a private repository and a public repository: Step 5

4. You'll see that the repository status has changed from private to public.

Switch between a private repository and a public repository: Step 6